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Internet Business Startup Kit
Internet Business Startup Kit
Type: E-books

Looking to start a business on the internet? Thousands Now Have Started An Online Business Who Never Thought They Could. Discover How Easy It Is To Start Your Own Internet Business. You'll Learn How To: Map out your business plan, Build a strong foundation, Utilize free tools for setup and tracking and Enjoy the benefits of owning a business.Within this package you will find the following modules:Module 1 - List Building ReportModule 2 - Lead Generating Mobile Responsive MinisiteModule 3 - Confirmation + Thank You PageModule 4 - Email SwipesModule 5 - Graphics PackModule 6 - 10 x Additional Opt-in Page HeadlinesModule 7 - 5 x Twitter TweetsModule 8 - 5 x Facebook PostsModule 9 - 5 x Forums SignaturesModule 10 - 5 x Email Signatures

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Starting A Home-Based Internet Business
Starting A Home-Based Internet Business
Type: Audio Book

Always wanted to start your own business online? You want the freedom of working from home and being your own boss but you don't know where to start or want to do? This Audio Book covers all the basics of running an online internet based business.What you will learn from this Audio book:How to get started with your online businessChoosing the right name for your businessCreating a business identityCreating an online presenceSetting up your home officeEducate yourself while you are driving with this amazing Audio Book. The Audio Book are in CD format.

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Twitter Traffic Raceway Upgrade Package
Twitter Traffic Raceway Upgrade Package
Type: Video

Get Massive Traffic All From Twitter. Don't be one of the last marketers or business owners left on the planet that hasn't set up a presence on Twitter. This course will show you the importance of it and how you can easily drive tons of FREE traffic using some simple 140 character tweets. The "Twitter Taffic Raceway" digital e-course is a complete crash course for any marketer that reveals all of the secrets and essentials to successfully marketing on Twitter and getting tons of targeted traffic on autopilot.You'll learn how you can set up your business, brand, or product on the platform, what kind of "tweets" you should be posting, how to build your audience, and everything in between. Better yet, you can gain access to this course for 100% if you act today.Within this package you will find the following modules:Module 1 - Video SeriesModule 2 - Viral Quote Images PackModule 3 - MP3 Audio BookModule 4 - Learning CenterModule 5 - Improved Guru Squeeze PageModule 6 - Mini Site Squeeze PageModule 7 - HD Squeeze VideoModule 8 - Graphics PackageModule 9 - Feature ImagesModule 10 - Banner AdsModule 11 - Social Swipes Kit

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Social Media Marketing Principles Upgrade Package
Social Media Marketing Principles Upgrade Package
Type: Video

Discover The 27 Social Media Marketing Principles Successful Brands And Businesses Use To Grow An Audience, Get More Attention, And Increase ROI From Social Media. If you want to be one of the major players in your chosen niche, then you need to know exactly how to build an audience, gain their loyalty and keep them coming back to your site time and time again.But there’s not just ‘one secret’ to this In fact, there are countless little things that the very best do differently. These are the things that set apart those incredible brands and make them the huge household names they are today.Within this package you will find the following modules:Module 1 - VideosModule 11 - GraphicsModule 2 - Upsell PageModule 3 - 7 Day Autoresponder SeriesModule 4 - Special ReportModule 5 - Affiliates Toolbox PageModule 6 - Social Media Swipe KitModule 7 - Top Forums and BlogsModule 8 - KeywordsModule 9 - Audio FilesModule 10 - Feature Images

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7 Step WordPress Setup Audio Video Series
7 Step WordPress Setup Audio Video Series
Type: Audio Book

It probably comes as no surprise that WordPress is the platform of choice for most Internet marketers and that most bloggers and small businesses owners all use the WordPress platform to build their sites as well.

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Bootstrap Web Development
Bootstrap Web Development
Type: Video

Discover Bootstrap 3 By Using, Editing And Reverse Engineering Our Awesome Bootstrap Templates. 20-Part Video Course Including Practical Examples. Web Development with Bootstrap. Learn Bootstrap 3 by using, editing and reverse engineering our awesome Bootstrap templates.What Will You Learn?Understand the main components of Twitter Bootstrap 3, and how to use them like a ninja.Use our customizable templates to quickly launch your own awesome, mobile-responsive website with very little effort.Within this package you will find the following modules:AudioGraphicsVideosWebsite

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Content Management Systems
Content Management Systems
Type: E-books

Regardless of the type of website you‘re working with, one thing is constant, you’ll always need to provide some sort of content. With a sales letter site, where you’re specifically promoting one particular product, your focus will be entirely on causing the viewer to ultimately make that purchase. In that case, killer sales copy is the only content required.Content driven websites are a whole different story. The task is and always will be to provide ongoing relevant information. At the same time, of course, you’ll be building the size of the website by creating additional subject-relevant (and hopefully keyword-rich) pages.

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Easy Graphics 101
Easy Graphics 101
Type: Video

Announcing The Brand New, 9 Part, Step By Step Video Course, That Shows You How You Can Quickly and Easily, Create and Edit Professional Graphics Through This Step By Step Video Course Using Free Graphics Editing Software. It doesn’t matter if you’re not tech savvy. Simply watch over my shoulder, step by step, and click by click, how you can create beautiful designs and graphics starting today.

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Animated Loading Image
Animated Loading Image
Type: Video

This is a video tutorial showing you how to create animated loading images. These loading icons are great as an animated loading symbol, which is great for letting users and visitors that anything particular such as a page is loading.

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Add a Floating Countdown Timer To Website
Add a Floating Countdown Timer To Website
Type: Video

This is a video tutorial and lessons all about how to add a floating countdown time to your website. This is a very easy to understand video tutorial which will help you with this goal.

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Photoshop CS Mastery
Photoshop CS Mastery
Type: Video

Artists, photographers, graphic artists and designers. In fact anyone needing a top-notch solution for picture management and editing. Set Your Photographic Creativity Free. Master Adobe Photoshop Once and For All - Create Flawless, Dramatic Images Using The Tools The Professionals Choose. Get My Video Tutorials and Retain More Information About Adobe Photoshop.

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Mini-Site Made Easy Front Page
Mini-Site Made Easy Front Page
Type: Video

If you are sick and tired of reading manuals and books to create your mini-sites. Discover How You Can Quickly And Easily Create Unlimited Mini-Sites With FrontPage By Watching Exactly How To Do It With My Most Exclusive Step-By-Step Video Coaching Tutorials. In Just A Few Hours Following My Step-By-Step Online Video Tutorials, I'm Confident You Will Be Able To Create A Mini-Site From Scratch.

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